Friday, March 30, 2012

Botanical "Bomb" Takes Out Cancer

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Friday March 30, 2012

You should be shocked!

Congress is killing the ONE CURE the world has been waiting for

Imagine you or a loved one is entrenched in a ruthless battle against cancer. At the last second you find a simple, cheap and most importantly, effective weapon to give you the edge.

But suddenly, some spineless, clueless, gutless senator from Capitol Hill wants to take away the one thing that has given you hope.

Why do they want to take away a miracle that could slow the growth of prostate cancer...skyrocket your body's own killer cells and virtually eradicate breast cancer cells?

It's safe. It's natural. So what's the hang-up? The answer will send you into an OUTRAGE. Find out the reason and more importantly, how you can get this miracle for yourself while it's still available!

All-Natural "Killer" Targets Cancer

There's good news on the cancer front. An all-natural flower extract kills cancer cells...without harmful side effects.

The news comes from Professor Laurence Patterson. He's the director of the UK Institute for Cancer Therapeutics (ICT). He also leads cancer research for the University of Bradford in England.

"Many agents used in the treatment of cancer are poisons," he says. "Chemotherapy can be the death of a patient."

But this new flower extract treatment is different. It targets cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. And it works for many types of cancer.

"It's a new treatment that could be effective against pretty much all types of tumor," he says. "And it will not cause damage to normal tissue."

Other cancer experts are supporting his findings, which are published in the journal Cancer Research.

"This new approach targets tumor blood vessels that cancers need for growth," says Dr. Paul Workman, who leads the cancer research department for the University of London.

"The results look promising," says Dr. Workman. "This approach could be very useful for various cancers."

Natural Extract Wipes Out 70 Percent of Cancer Cells

Prof. Patterson's tests were conducted on mice specially bred to display human cancerous tumors. These mice were then injected with the natural extract...and the results were impressive.

The extract killed 70 percent of cancer cells after one dose. Tumors in all of the mice shrank significantly. And in half the mice, the tumors were completely eliminated.

Prof. Patterson and his team then tested the extract against different types of cancer. It worked on them all, without any harmful side effects.

"We've looked at colon, prostate, breast and lung (cancer) so far, and all have responded very well to this treatment," he says.

How the "Killer" Extract Works

The extract comes from a flower called the autumn crocus. These flowers contain a compound called colchicine.

Colchicine is a naturally occurring poison that's been shown in various studies to have anti-cancer properties. But it's never been used to treat cancer. Why? Because, until now, it's been too poisonous to use.

But Prof. Patterson has found a way to deliver the poison to the cancerous cells without killing the healthy ones around them.

He did this by attaching a molecular protein "tail" to it. The tail keeps the compound safe and inactive as it travels through the body.

However, the chemical tail breaks off when the compound comes into contact with a very particular enzyme found in high concentration in cancerous tumors. This enzyme activates the cancer-killing colchicine...which then attacks blood vessels within the tumor, cutting off the supply of nutrients and shutting down cell growth.

"Our delivery method attacks and breaks down cancer blood vessels, destroying the tumor's lifeline," says Prof. Patterson. "If you starve the tumor of that blood supply, then you shut off its ability to grow."

Hope for the Future

So far, these tests have only been done on mice. And while the research is encouraging, it's still preliminary.

The novel use of this compound needs to be tested on humans next. And researchers at St. James's University Hospital, England, are already preparing to do this.

If the human trials support the findings, the way doctors fight cancer could change for the better. The scientists behind this study believe that a solution could be on the market within five years.

We'll be sure to follow these trials and keep you updated on the results. In the meantime, the best way to "treat" cancer is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

That means avoiding exposure to toxins and known carcinogens, including chemical-based personal products, pesticides and food additives, like sodium nitrite in processed deli meat. Of course, if you smoke, quit. And keep your body in balance and your immune system strong by eating an organic diet rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods.

But diet is the not the only way to strengthen your immunity. Be sure to enjoy some time in the sun as often as possible. Volumes of research show that your risk of cancer is much lower when you can optimize your levels of vitamin D.

Finally, there's one more thing you need to know: Short duration, high intensity exercise is also a powerful immune booster.

We'll bring you more information on all these topics in future issues and we'll continue to keep you posted on the latest promising cancer research as it happens.

Wishing you good natural health,

Ian Robinson,
Editorial Director, NHD "Health Watch"

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The Heart Disease Scam That Generates Over $100 Billion a Year...
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Each year over one million Americans opt for coronary angioplasty. 427,000 Americans have open heart surgery. And US doctors write 11.6 million prescriptions for statin drugs-each month...

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