Sunday, April 29, 2012

[haxor express] NHD Health Watch Weekly Wrap Up

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Sunday April 29, 2012

More energy, more focus, and... smoother skin?

The thank you letters for Bio PT Elixir are rolling in...

While working 12-hour days, 7 days a week Mike P. said this of Bio PT Elixir, "I never felt bad, never missed a day of work. I still had enough energy to go to the gym after work every day." And that's despite staying at a house with more than 5 guys.

Henry B. was able to quit coffee with Bio PT Elixir. And Vernon P. calls Bio PT Elixir "... the best that could be had. I do seem to be able to maintain my focus longer than before I was taking it."

More energy and focus I expected, but fewer wrinkles too? "I took Bio PT Elixir for a month... not only did it give me more energy but I've also noticed that my skin looked great," says Jovita Y.

Bio PT Elixir just keeps growing in popularity. Click here for a short video explaining exactly why it's so good for you.

Weekly Wrap Up

You're being lied to about diabetes...80% of breast cancer cells wiped out by this tropical extract... The prostate cancer lie even your doctor still believes... The wild mushroom that causes cancer cells to self-destruct

4/23/12 - Did you know that studies show diabetes drugs can actually increase risk of death due to heart attack? The diabetes industry wants you to believe that you can eat the same foods that upset your blood sugar -- just as long as you take their drugs to keep it in check. But the research shows that not only are these drugs dangerous... they don't even work. Learn the truth and discover a proven 30 day solution for diabetes here...

4/24/12 - New research shows that the fruit of a tropical vine may help fight breast cancer. This extract induced death in 80% of breast cancer cells in this particular study. It also stopped cancer cells from growing and spreading. Discover where to find this tropical fruit and how much was shown to be effective...

4/25/12 - Millions of men suffer from prostate cancer. And many doctors will tell you it is caused by too much testosterone. But one relentless doctor has proven that the original basis for this conclusion is completely flawed. Not only that, he has also showed that adequate levels of testosterone are actually vital to preventing the disease. Find out what the science really says... and why even your own doctor may base his recommendations on a 70-year-old lie...

4/27/12 - Since ancient times, Asian cultures have revered a particular mushroom for its healing properties. They even called it a "precious miracle." Now, modern science reveals that this miracle mushroom could be a valuable weapon in the fight against cancer. Not only does it cause cancer cells to die, but it prevents the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow. Discover what this mushroom is called and where you can find it...


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Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 4/29/2012 04:27:00 AM

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