Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[haxor express] [haxor express] Reduce Wrinkles in 12 Weeks with this Natural Extract

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Wednesday January 30, 2013

The Calorie Myth that is Making You Fat!

Mainstream medicine strikes out again. "They" tell you that you're fat because you eat too much. But the truth is, it really is possible to eat more... without packing on fat! No pills. No side effects. No gimmicks. CLICK HERE to find out more.

Reduce Wrinkles in 12 Weeks with Mother
Nature's Facelift Extract

If you want younger looking skin, no need to spend a ton of money…

German researchers studied the effects of one natural extract on the skin of 20 women. At the start of the study they took samples of the women's skin. They checked the genes responsible for tissue health and collagen formation.

Women then took 75 mg of the extract for 12 weeks. Throughout the study researchers evaluated the women's skin for hydration, elasticity, and fatigue.

Researchers took another sample at the end of the study. And the results were nothing short of amazing.

The women had a 25 percent improvement in skin elasticity. And skin hydration improved by eight percent.

The unique part of the study is that the extract increased levels of hyaluronic acid (HA) by 44 percent. HA is a gel-like substance in body tissue that helps firm and tighten sagging skin. It provides constant moisture.

The extract helped reduce wrinkles by three percent. And skin smoothness increased by six percent.

Women who started with dry skin benefited the most.

What is Mother Nature's facelift?

This "Doctor-Recommended" Exercise Can Actually Damage Your Heart

Exercise may be a great weapon against heart disease. But not the one your doctor is probably telling you to do! A study from Harvard proves it. It reveals a different way to reduce heart disease risk. A lesser-known way of exercising that produced good heart healthy results. If you care about your heart... you can't afford to ignore this information. Go HERE now.

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Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 1/30/2013 04:23:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 1/30/2013 04:24:00 AM

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