Wednesday, May 22, 2013

[haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] Urgent Food Risk Report

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Dear Health Watch Reader -

In the past week, over 427,000 people saw our article on the danger of processed meat. It caused such an explosion that just yesterday, the World Cancer Research Fund put out a press release about it!

As they put it, they were "in no way involved in the production of the article." And they weren't. We read their review and drew the only logical, possible conclusion. Their official response… "The articles talking about processed meat being 'too dangerous for human consumption' are unhelpful and scaremongering." Yet in the very same online post, they tell you to avoid processed meat because it can cause bowel cancer!

We're sorry. But if a food is directly linked to 4,000 cases of bowel cancer in the UK alone (according to their stats), it is indeed "too dangerous for human consumption."

We don't call it scaremongering. We call it the truth. In fact, another, more recent study shows just how dangerous this "junk meat" can be. Even the researchers were surprised by what they found! You'll find the details below.

But unfortunately, that's just one of many food hazards hiding in plain sight. These are foods and drinks people consume every day. You never would think they'd contain the chemicals they do. And we'll also tell you how big industry works with the FDA to keep these dangers off your radar.  

So please read about it now, below. And share it with a loved one. This information is too important to not pass along.

In Good Health,
Angela Salerno
Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

We already warned you...

Processed Meat Hazardous to Humans!

But the bad news keeps rolling in. And unfortunately, this story is only the beginning...

"Deaths could be prevented."
BMC Medicine


Dear Reader,

And the evidence just keeps piling up…

Only weeks ago, BMC Medicine published their study on the link between processed meat and premature death.

It confirmed what we've been saying all along…even if it shocked the researchers.

Their findings? Processed meats are dangerous stuff. But here's the rub…
The researchers first concluded that eating "junk" meat was strongly associated with other bad choices—excessive drinking, smoking, not eating enough fruits and veggies. So of course people who ate this garbage died sooner. But then they dug a bit deeper.

You see, they studied almost half a million people. That let them really look at processed meat consumption without any of the other factors added in. And what did they find? 

An even higher correlation between processed meat and early death!

Here's the conclusion…directly from BMC Medicine:

The results of our analyses suggest that men and women with a high consumption of processed meat are at increased risk of early death, in particular due to cardiovascular diseases but also to cancer.

Note, they said processed meat. Not all meat. In fact, eating red meat—fresh—didn't show an increase in mortality at all. Just meat with "bad stuff" added to it.

It's no surprise why…

Beef jerky...bacon…hot dogs…deli meats…sausage…they are usually manufactured with sodium nitrite. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite results in the formation of cancer-causing compounds.

Another study, this one from 2005 out of the University of Hawaii, found that processed meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67 percent. And yet another study indicated that if you eat just 50 grams of processed meat every day, your risk of colorectal cancer jumps 21 percent. For reference, that's about how much deli meat you'd put on a sandwich…if you don't like a whole lot of meat on your sandwich.

But if sodium nitrite is so dangerous, why do the FDA and USDA continue to allow this cancer-causing chemical to be used?

The answer is obvious. Food industry interests now dominate U.S. government regulators. The USDA, for example, actually tried to ban sodium nitrite in the late 1970s. But the meat industry overrode them. It insisted the chemical was safe and accused the USDA of trying to "ban bacon."

Today, the corporations that dominate American food and agricultural interests hold tremendous influence over the FDA and USDA. The scary truth is, nobody is looking out for us. And it's putting your health in serious jeopardy. 

Here's another example…

"Diet" Drinks For Everyone…Whether or Not You Want It

People usually think of both these drinks as healthy. One definitely is… the other, not so much. And the one that's secretly not good for you? Well, it's about to get a whole lot worse.

Low-fat, low-calorie diets are all the rage these days. As a result, people are drinking less and of this popular drink. So Big Business has cooked up a way to compete.

They want to dump aspartame and artificial sweeteners into it to rival Coke Zero and Diet Pepsi. And they want to do it without adding it to the label. It's outrageous! Worst of all…

This beverage is especially popular with kids. In an FDA issued notice, the industry behind this movement states that offering a low-calorie, artificial sweetened version would help reduce childhood obesity. That it will be better for kids with chemicals added to it.

Here's hoping the FDA makes the right decision (we're not holding our breath).   

In the meantime, what about that other "healthy" drink I mentioned earlier? It should be good for you…if no one had ever tinkered with it. Unfortunately, that's just not the case. So it could be quietly chipping away at your health each and every day. Yet it's so common your kids, grandkids—or even you—most likely drink it. 

The WWI Poison You Nad No Clue You Were Drinking.

You know by now that artificial sweeteners like Sweet-n-Low and Equal are nothing more than little packets of poison.

But a recent report shows that as many as 28 million Americans unknowingly drink artificial sweeteners every day. That includes a chemical that's used in bleach, disinfectants, and insecticides. It was even used in a WWI poison gas!

Dr. James Bowen from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine went so far as to say, "In terms of long-term human toxicity we should regard [this substance] with its chemical cousin DDT, the insecticide now outlawed."

Studies show it can attack the nervous system and make your liver swell and your kidneys calcify. And here you thought you were safe when you threw away those packets of Splenda.

Safest to just stick to bottled water, right? Well that's what you'll find out in our newly published report—Why These "Healthy" Foods Aren't Healthy Anymore.  In a moment, I'll show you how to claim a copy for free. But first let me tell you about another natural food the FDA had no problem compromising…

Why Doesn't the FDA Want Us to Eat One of the Healthiest Snacks in the World?

This wholesome food has an array of health benefits. It is a rich source of calcium, folic acid, magnesium, protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

But health "officials" are telling us we can't consume this food in its raw (and healthiest) form because of salmonella outbreaks. Mind you, just 29 people fell ill. And that was during two episodes that happened in 2001 and 2004.

Two outbreaks are enough to change an entire industry?

100,000 people die each year from pharmaceutical drug side effects, according to the AMA. It's one of the leading causes of death in the US. And yet the FDA turns a blind eye. But 29 people get sick from this nutritious treat and they pass a law. And it only gets worse…

Cooking this food actually depletes its natural health benefits. But beyond that, the methods used for "cooking" put your health in jeopardy. It could add chemicals to a natural food. One particular chemical is a known human carcinogen—banned in Canada, Mexico, and the European Union because of its toxicity.

But wait. The label says raw.

Well here's the thing…

The USDA doesn't want you to know that you're not buying this food raw.  They just want to "protect" us.

So what is this "evil threat" to our health? 

The answer is in our brand new report, Why These "Healthy" Foods Aren't Healthy Anymore.  It lays out why the USDA (foolishly) doesn't want you to eat the healthiest form of this food…and how they're tricking you into thinking you still are.

And while we're on the topic of government food blunders…

Going Against the Grain—And the Government

The USDA puts out its dietary guidelines every five years. Most recently in 2010. And they still haven't gotten it right. 

Follow its recommendations, you'll find yourself on the fast track to obesity and disease.  Studies in the New England Journal of Medicine, out of Harvard prove it! 

Sure the USDA put out a new study in 2011 to support its claims. But that study was seriously flawed. We outline exactly how in Why These "Healthy" Foods Aren't Healthy Anymore. More important, we reveal how to eat to stay healthy.

What Else Aren't They Telling Us?

My name is Angela Salerno and I'm the president of The Institute for Natural Healing.

Our investigations led to a realization that the most important health concerns—like what we're really eating every day—are often intentionally and systematically hidden from public view.

So we pulled the most successful studies and consulted with researchers connected to the most prominent doctors and scientists. And we produced our own special report.

We call it: Why These "Healthy" Foods Aren't Healthy Anymore. You can get it as a downloadable e-book, for free, today.

All I ask is that in return you try a subscription to Natural Health Dossier.
Natural Health Dossieris unique among health publications. We are private, so we don't have to bow to government interference. We are subscription based, so advertisers don't influence us. And we are unbiased.

We don't care whether a new therapy fits a preconceived theory about medicine. If it comes from a respected source and is backed by serious, scientific proof… If we can find personal evidence that it works, then we bring its complete details to our members.

The scary reality is that doctors, the FDA, and big drug companies are practicing voodoo medicine in every possible area of health.

It is almost as if their goal is to keep you dependent on drugs and doctors for the rest of your life!

Take diabetes, for example.

Many diabetics are completely dependent on insulin injections every day, sometimes several times a day, just to survive. And it's only getting worse.

Even the New York Times agrees...

"Within a generation or so, doctors fear, a huge wave of new cases could overwhelm the public health system and engulf growing numbers of the young, creating a city where hospitals are swamped by the disease's handiwork, schools scramble for resources as they accommodate diabetic children, and the work force abounds with the blind..."

But don't worry. That does not have to include you.

I'd like to show you a way to gain total control over diabetes and never fear a blood sugar spike or crash again.

The American Diabetes Association, like the American Heart Association, is operating on very nebulous information. Too many of the therapies these organizations recommend are based on flawed or outdated science. And too many doctors force-feed these recommendations to their patients.

But you don't need to scour medical journals (as we have) to know that. Ask any doctor who knows better and he will tell you. Insulin doesn't cure diabetes. In fact, one doctor has made a convincing case that the ADA protocol is making diabetes worse.

Certainly their bad advice about nutrition has at least in part led to a completely unnecessary and extremely widespread plague of Type II diabetes—the type of diabetes that many healthy people get in middle age.

Our research team has discovered a safe and natural cure for diabetes. It comes from a doctor who has studied this condition for over 40 years. As a Type I diabetic, he was his own test subject for his first decade of research.

His pioneering work and advocacy is credited with starting the practice of self-monitoring blood sugar and other essential care steps now used by diabetics around the world.

To date he's published six books on the subject and numerous articles.

He says if you're a Type I diabetic, you could drastically reduce your dependence on insulin (like he did for himself). And some Type II diabetics can get off medication for good.

People from all over the world have had life-changing success with his program. Many of them leave inspiring testimonials and thank you notes on the doctor's website.

Like Mandy Rodrigues from North Wales. She said,

"How does one begin to thank someone for saving their life? I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in January 2002...following your regime my blood glucose levels have dropped to 6.4 - 7.1...I fully expect my BG levels to fall further over the coming weeks (after all, I have only been on the regime for 11 days)!"

And Pamela Nordick, who wrote,

"I've never been in such tight control of my blood sugars. I haven't been this thin since before being diagnosed. Thank you...for sharing your wisdom with us. I honestly think I might not be here today, if I hadn't found such success..."

We've prepared a report with the most essential information about this breakthrough plan for reversing diabetes.

In this report—called Cure Diabetes in 3 Weeks: Are You a Walking Time Bomb?you'll discover:

  • Why listening to the advice of the American Diabetes Association guarantees that you never totally manage your diabetes. This "conventional wisdom" among diabetics likely leads to more drug use and complications than any other mainstream advice.
  • Why following the "6-12-12" rule could completely eliminate the insulin roller coaster and keep your blood sugar in a healthy range. Even after meals or when you don't have time for a snack.
  • How following a few simple guidelines could prevent eye problems, frozen shoulders, inflamed legs, kidney problems, and other complications associated with diabetes.

And again, I'd like to send it to you absolutely free.

It's this type of in-depth, behind-the-scenes reporting that has thousands and thousands of members chomping at the bit each month for their next issue of Natural Health Dossier.

The mainstream media simply can't cover the latest medical stories as thoroughly and unbiased as we do. They would lose hundreds of millions of dollars in pharmaceutical advertising every year. They just aren't willing to part with that kind of money.

Because we're outside the influence of the medical establishment, no one can control what we tell you.

Whether we're blowing the lid off the true story behind heart disease drugs…overlooked treatments for diabetes…or cancer cures you won't discover anywhere else.

Speaking of cancer…do you know about:

The Simple Blood Test That Discovers Deadly Cancer Cells Up to 19 Months Before Conventional Screening Tests?

In May of 2000 our researchers uncovered an obscure scientific article. It described a test that could detect any type of cancer up to 19 months before conventional tests—and with 99 percent accuracy!

The article also said there were at least three additional published articles on this breakthrough and that at least one of the studies examined the results of more than 8,000 tests.

How could a test be supported by so much scientific evidence and not be common practice? That's what we wondered too. So we decided to dig.

I want to send you what we found out in another FREE report, Cancer Uncovered: How to Discover and Cure Cancer Up to 19 Months Before Your Doctor Knows You're Sick. Learn all about the test that...

  • Was invented and perfected by a Harvard-trained doctor and neurochemist.

  • Is supported by over 20 years of research.

  • Was approved by the FDA.

  • Only requires a small blood sample.

  • And is even covered by Medicare.

This is the kind of "off-the-grid" research and insight you can expect from the team at Natural Health Dossier.

And you can have all of the details of these breakthrough cures and discover where they're available today.

When you become a subscriber today, you'll receive three free reports on these important medical breakthroughs.

Why These "Healthy" Foods Aren't Healthy AnymoreCure Diabetes in 3 Weeks…and Cancer Uncovered.

Just click HERE or on button at the bottom of this page and you can access your reports in just minutes.

And of course, as a member of Natural Health Dossier you're going to get much more than just these reports.

You'll also get a new, detailed issue every month, and access to all of our archives.

Here you'll discover hidden health secrets like:

  • One simple vitamin that could cut the risk of heart disease by 40%.
  • The plant substance that could reduce liver tumors by up to 64% that you can easily incorporate into your diet. 
  • Simple weight loss tricks you can do every day—without the expensive gimmicks (like taking 5-HTP).

If you're like most of our members, you do everything in your power to stay ahead of your health. You may spend hours upon hours scouring health forums online. Or you may subscribe to three or more free health e-zines.

Since you've followed along this far, you're already more aware of advanced and effective cures than many working doctors.

This is the kind of information that only Natural Health Dossier subscribers have access to.

As each monthly issue comes out...and with each urgent bonus report...the library grows. One you'll refer to again and again.

The most recent health breakthroughs, with actual scientific results, are only available in medical journals. Subscriptions to these journals cost hundreds of dollars a year.

But most of that research is funded by tax dollars. So we essentially pay for the research, then we're charged hundreds of dollars to discover the results!

That's not only ridiculous, it's just plain unfair.

That's why we decided to make this service as affordable as possible. We find the best cures, validate the findings, and deliver only the most relevant information to you. All at a price that doesn't hurt your budget.

The cost of research that goes into Natural Health Dossier is substantial. As a privately-circulated report, it would probably sell for $400 or $500 a year. But since we wanted to make it affordable for anyone

We settled on $79 a year – just over $6 a month. That's a bargain considering the amount of original research we bring to each issue, the quality of the doctors and scientists on board, and the number of special reports and other advantages that members get for free.

But since we are in a membership drive you can subscribe now for half price. It's only $39 for a full year's subscription.

For this low price you get:

12 monthly issues of Natural Health Dossier. This is delivered by e-mail and stored in your private members area so you always have access to your issues. When you sign up today, we'll also include all of our past issues in your account as a bonus.

And you'll get instant access to the three free reports I described.

You've only seen a small sample of what you're getting when you join us today.  You will never get a chance to do so much for your health for just $3.25 a month. That's a penny a day!

And there is never any risk to you. If you ever think we're letting you down, let us know by phone or e-mail and we'll quickly refund your subscription fee. Even up to the last day of your membership.

We want to prove to you every month that you've made the right decision. If we can't live up to our promise, we don't deserve your money.

So join now and get instant access to the complete details on what's really hiding in seemingly healthy foods. Take the steps to help prevent diabetes and heart disease. Or go to your doctor tomorrow and have the most accurate cancer-screening test available.

Click the button below to claim all your membership benefits now. And set yourself up to receive uncensored and vital information on new medical cures every month.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Angela Salerno
Publisher, Natural Health Dossier

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Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 5/22/2013 08:57:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 5/22/2013 08:57:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 5/22/2013 08:57:00 AM

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