Monday, July 29, 2013

Who’s winning the tug of war inside YOUR body?

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Dear Health Watch Reader -

You bend over to pick something up…you sit for too long at your desk…you lift something a little too heavy…and your back hurts for days. We've all been there. And for some people, back pain is a constant, debilitating problem. If it's an issue for you, I suggest you check out Jesse Cannone's new book. He's from The Healthy Back Institute. And as you'll see in the sponsored message below, he's got a great deal for you.

In Good Health,
Angela Salerno
Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

Hi Health Watch Reader,

Right now, even as you sit there reading this message, there's a battle going on inside your body.

Basically, your muscles are competing with each other in a game of "Tug of War." Over time, some of your muscles grow stronger and some grow weaker.

This "battle" continues until your muscles are so out of balance that they actually cause pain… including back pain.

Believe it or not, this is the reason that having strong muscles can actually hurt you. It's not the strength of the muscle that matters so much as the balance between them.

If they're out of balance, you end up with PAIN.

If this information is new to you, then you're going to love this book.

It's called "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure".

In it, I reveal some of the secrets to dealing with back pain… without drugs, injections or expensive surgeries.

Consider this the book the medical establishment DOESN'T want you to read.

Right now, you can buy this book on Amazon for $10.38.


You can visit the page below for simple instructions about how to get it MINUS the $10.38 price tag.

This is a very special book that finally unlocks secrets for dealing with back pain that you won't hear from your doctor or the mainstream medical world.

Click here to get the details...

Jesse Cannone
"The Back Pain Relief Guy"


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PLEASE NOTE: You are receiving this sponsored message as a part of your free subscription to the Health Watch e-letter.

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The Institute for Natural Healing is dedicated to delivering the most trusted and comprehensive health guidance in the world. We're your one-stop destination for the latest happenings and developments in natural health. It's our business to provide you with the very best guidance on health research, findings, and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue and send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products, we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never recommend anything we don't believe in.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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