Tuesday, November 25, 2014

[haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] This Common "Cleaner" is Killing You

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INH Health Watch
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Don't go through the holidays feeling tired and sluggish...thinking about keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure healthy...and constantly trying to avoid temptation.

During our Thanksgiving Sale—which starts today—you can get free bonus bottles of what might be the most important natural breakthrough in heart health, ever. Helping to maintain healthy circulation, keep cholesterol and blood pressure in the healthy range, and reduce damage from free radicals. Go here now to stock up for the holiday season.


This "Clean" Ingredient is a Killer

We've warned you about it before... You'll find it in things like antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers, and shampoo. Even mouthwash and some children's toys. All things that are hard to get away from. It's one of the sneakiest—and most common—everyday threats to your good health...


Research links this compound to serious hormone problems. This includes early puberty and infertility, low testosterone—and crazy thyroid levels. Even more dangerous? It creates antibiotic resistance. Experts say it's a likely culprit in the doubling of dangerous MRSA infections in hospitals in the last few years.

But a new study reveals it's worse than we thought.

It turns out triclosan can affect constitutive androstane receptor (CAR). It's a protein that clears dangerous chemicals from your body. And it can lead to more than just toxin buildup...

Researchers at the University of California San Diego found it may cause deadly liver damage.

The team exposed one group of mice to triclosan every day for six months. That's equal to about 18 human years. Then they looked at another group that avoided the compound altogether.

They discovered the triclosan group had significantly worse liver damage. But not just scarring and tissue damage... This group was more likely to develop cancerous tumors. Their tumors were more frequent—and bigger—than the other group.

It's not just that triclosan is toxic or causes inflammation. This compound amplifies liver damage. It weakens this sensitive organ even more in the face of other threats.

According to study co-author, Dr. Robert Tukey, "If you have a damaged cell that's been attacked by a mutagen . . . triclosan promotes the development of the tumor."

This is concerning on its own...but they also found it led to kidney scarring. It makes sense considering that the liver and kidneys have similar functions when it comes to detoxification.

This may be an even bigger red flag for Dr. Tukey. He says, "There are really not a lot of environmental agents that have the potential to cause kidney fibrosis . . . It is definitely doing some nasty stuff with long-term exposure in these mice."

In other words, triclosan is something you want to avoid.

An easy way to do this is to check the ingredients label on any cosmetic products you use. If you see it, find another product. But an even easier solution is to make the switch to natural products.

Something as simple as swapping your shampoo for a product that uses natural tea tree oil can cut back your exposure. Unlike triclosan, tea tree oil only kills the bad bacteria. This means more helpful bacteria to fight off germs and other nasty attackers. But this isn't the only way to help protect your vital organs—or avoid cancer.

During our research, we came across several success stories from another natural treatment.

For example, Carol R., a retired schoolteacher. Carol's cancer diagnosis came in 2009. Mainstream treatments scared her. So she went to a specialized health facility in Wichita, Kansas for this therapy.

Now she says, "Not only is the cancer gone from the inside, everything has improved...head to toe...skin, nails, hair, teeth, eyes...everything. I feel stronger than I did 20 years ago—which is amazing because I thought I was healthy then!"

For details on Carol's treatment and others who've tried it, go HERE.

References Available Here.


These Killers May be Hiding in Your Medicine Cabinet

If you take any one of the top 10 most dangerous pharmaceutical drugs—you're opening yourself up to side-effects that may be much worse than the problem you're trying to treat. Cancer...liver damage...internal bleeding...diabetes...heart failure...just to name a few. And these pills aren't just deadly...they're unbelievably popular.

But what most people don't know is that each has natural alternatives that are free of frightening side effects, and work just as well—if not better. You can find most your local vitamin shop, online or even the grocery store. You just have to know what you're looking for and the right ways to use them. Find out here.

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Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/25/2014 04:18:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/25/2014 04:18:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/25/2014 04:18:00 AM

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