Friday, November 28, 2014

[haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] [haxor express] 5 Fixes for Your Thanksgiving Hangover

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INH Health Watch
Friday, November 28, 2014

Breakthrough science reveals that this 3,000 year old secret
could be the key to maintaining…

PERFECT Blood Pressure During the Holiday Season

If you dread that moment at every doctor's visit when the nurse asks you to roll up your sleeve—you're not alone. Recently, scientists have found a natural solution that actually helps relax blood vessels—and keeps blood pressure in a healthy range. In fact, breaking research from top institutions shows that this "warrior" extract could be the ultimate cardio protector. Find out about it first, right here. And the special BLACK FRIDAY DISCOUNT you'll get on it today.


Five Ways to Get Back on Track After Thanksgiving Dinner

Earlier this week we gave you the easy fixes for a healthier, more enjoyable Thanksgiving. Maybe you didn't see it… Or you might've ignored it completely. Whatever the case….

You might not feel great the morning after Thanksgiving… But there are simple solutions.

Here are five ways to get back on track after Turkey Day:

1. Add Milk Thistle: Alcohol… Sugar… Preservatives… They all cause inflammation. And they make your liver work harder to remove toxins. Milk thistle can help prevent both.

It's a natural solution for protecting against liver damage. Doctors in Europe give it to patients to prevent harsh medications from hurting this organ. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect that makes detoxification faster and easier. In fact, it can help your liver cells regenerate.

You won't be able to get it from food… But you can find it in supplement or tea form in health food stores and online.

2. Restore Gut Balance: Having the right bacteria in your gut supports a strong immune system. It also aids digestion. These are both important for feeling better fast after a night of bad eating choices.

Studies show that probiotics have a wide range of benefits on digestive health. They can help prevent diarrhea. At the same time they increase nutrient absorption. This will help keep your stomach regular. It will also let you get the most nutrition from the foods you eat and supplements you take today.

You can get helpful probiotics from foods. But you may not want to start your morning with sauerkraut or kefir. You can find natural probiotic supplements in most health stores and online. Look for one that delivers at least 10 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) per serving.

3. Find the Right Fats: You know that fats aren't the enemy. And in this case, eating the good kind will have you back on your feet faster. Eating fat helps you burn fat. It also gives you a quick burst of energy you need to get up and going. But there's a benefit you might not be familiar with…

Cacao butter is one of the best antioxidant sources you can find. It has more than antioxidant power than almost any other food on the planet. It's also rich in phenethylamine and anandamide. These two compounds may help boost your mood.

If you had a few too many glasses of wine last night, the omega-3 fatty acids from fish can help too. They may get rid of up to 90% of the inflammation in your brain.

4. Push Back Your First Meal: Intermittent fasting sounds like a lot of work. But it's actually easy. You simply stop eating for about 16 hours. It may seem overwhelming…but you'll be sleeping for about eight of those hours. For a lot of people it means just skipping breakfast. It's not just to challenge yourself…

It helps burn fat, kill inflammation, and control blood sugar. Intermittent fasting may also eliminate brain fog. It gives your immune and digestive systems a chance to reset themselves. This allows them to get rid of toxins and make repairs.

Try holding out until around 2:00 pm to eat your first meal. You can still drink water, tea, or coffee when you wake up.

5. Rebuild Your Blood Sugar: When you do have your first meal, choose foods that help keep blood sugar in check. Waking up to a cup of organic coffee will help increase circulation and prevent blood sugar spikes.

Snacking on raw walnuts and pistachios is another good choice. Pistachios are one of the best foods you can eat for lowering diabetes risk. These well help reverse some of the damage from any sugary desserts or drinks from the night before. They'll also give you the fats and proteins you need to fuel your body for the rest of the day.

Thanksgiving dinner may not have been your healthiest meal of the year… But using these simple natural solutions will help you get back on track. The faster you start undoing the damage, the faster you'll be feeling like your healthy self again.

References Available Here.

In case you missed it...

11/23/14: Everything changes after a heart attack. The problem is that most people only think about what to get rid of—not what to add. And that's a big mistake. Getting more of this vitamin could help prevent mental decline—even death—after having a heart attack.

11/24/14: A windowsill herb that makes cancer cells commit suicide... An "unhealthy" drink that slashes your risk of deadly prostate cancer by 60% and lowers the risk of skin cancer... We've pulled together the five most important and most easily accessible weapons for warding off cancer. It's a report unlike any we've ever put together. Find out more here.

11/25/14: It's an ingredient in soap and cosmetics that's supposed to help kill harmful bacteria. The problem is it comes with dangerous health risks. Now researchers are revealing it's worse than we thought… This harmful compound may be killing your liver—and giving you cancer.

11/26/14: It's the day most Americans spend overeating and watching football. But there are ways to enjoy yourself and limit the negative impact on your health. Following these simple tips is your best bet for a healthier—and more satisfying—Thanksgiving.


This Herb Kills Carb and Sugar Cravings

Scientists at Cornell University are reporting on an ancient Indian herb that helps cut cravings for sweets and carbs. When people took it an hour before meals, they ate less of those unhealthy foods so many people have trouble with. Not only that, this herb helps block glucose from entering your intestine. That could help keep your blood sugar balanced and your waistline trim.

Check it out HERE.

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Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 11/28/2014 04:19:00 AM

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