Friday, January 30, 2015

[haxor express] These 5 Cosmetics Are Poisoning You

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INH Health Watch
Friday, January 30, 2015

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Has this doctor just cracked the Alzheimer's code?

UCLA researchers have—for the first time—shown that a non-drug treatment can actually reverse Alzheimer's symptoms in a majority of patients.

Patients using this therapy have said things like…"I remember things more vividly than my husband now…" and "I'm fast with math again…"

And while these incredible results created headlines as recently as last month…One doctor has actually been teaching patients a virtually identical protocol for over 40 years now!

And today he's inviting you to learn it firsthand directly from him.


Five Deadly Ingredients Hiding in Your Body Care Products

Toxic ingredients hide in your skin care products. About 60% of them make their way into your blood and organs. That's bad enough. But then consider…

The average American woman uses 12 products every morning. But that doesn't mean men aren't at risk. Most store brands pour toxins into their shaving, hair, and body products. And nobody is regulating any of it. So it's up to you to read ingredients and know what to avoid to protect your health.

Here are five body care products hiding deadly chemicals:

1. SPF Suntan Lotion: Vitamin A—retinyl palmitate—speeds the spread of skin cancer when you apply it topically. And it's in about 40% of sunscreens. The vitamin reacts safely in foods and many supplements. But it creates lesions and tumors when you apply it to your skin. To be safe, you should avoid retinyl palmitate in all skin and lip products.

Wear a hat or carry an umbrella instead. Cover your body with light fabric. Limit your outdoor activity when the sun is strong. Health food stores sell safer sun protection products. Choose a mineral blocker with zinc or titanium oxide. They can help protect against UVA rays. But they still let your body make vitamin D3 from sunlight.

2. Deodorants: Parabens are toxic preservatives. Manufacturers add them to products you use from head to toe. Deodorants and antiperspirants present the most danger. Parabens mimic estrogen. They settle in breast tissue. Methyl and isobutyl parabens create a wide range of disorders and cancers. Isobutyl parabens can collect in the rest of your body. They can cause reproductive harm—and developmental disorders.

Look for a deodorant that doesn't contain these harmful additives. Or you can take it a step further and find a natural deodorant. They rely on ingredients like sage and lemon oils instead of synthetic scents and chemicals. You can find them in most health stores and online.

3. Baby Lotion: Scientists found high levels of phthalates in the urine of babies whose parents rubbed baby lotion on their skin. They also found decreased testosterone levels in baby boys. Congress banned the use of some phthalates. But the rules still aren't strict enough. Since the chemical isn't always listed, look for products with labels that say "no phthalates" or "phthalate-free."

The fewer ingredients you put on your body (and your baby) the better. Try softening your skin with almond, avocado, or coconut oils. Drinking more water will also help hydrate your body from the inside.

4. Nail Polish: Toluene is a flammable substance. It is used as paint thinner. It impairs breathing. The State of California lists it as a chemical that causes birth defects. It can also damage your immune system.

When you go to a salon, you might see some workers wearing masks. Ask for one. Or shop for safer polish at a health food store. Better yet, skip the polish… Especially if you're pregnant.

5. Hair Straighteners: Many hair-straightening products use formaldehyde. Just a few years ago the FDA warned the Brazilian Blowout hair company about its products. They contained dangerous levels of this chemical. Enough to damage the eyes, nervous system, and lungs of hairdressers—and their customers . Formaldehyde causes cancer in humans. Product manufacturers use the chemical as a preservative. Yet the International Agency for Research on Cancer officially classifies formaldehyde as a human carcinogen.

When you eat toxic foods, your digestive system helps break down the chemicals. But when your skin absorbs poisonous ingredients, your body stores it. Always read the labels on cosmetics—or any other body care products you buy.

It's also a good idea to know who makes the products you use on your body. You trust these companies with your health. Try visiting the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Database to find safer products.

References Available Here.

In case you missed it...

01/25/15: These drugs may be doing more than hijacking your hormone production. And that's bad enough. But now we're finding out that this go-to treatment for Parkinson's disease could leave your life in shambles…

01/27/15: They're your doctor's go-to "solution" for a healthy heart. The problem isn't just that they don't work… They're deadly. Taking these drugs could raise your thyroid cancer risk by almost 50%.

01/28/15: You know SSRIs are ineffective and dangerous. A new study suggests making a simple dietary change may help them work better. But that's a waste of time. Eating this just once a week treats depression twice as well as an antidepressant.


These Killers May be Hiding in Your Medicine Cabinet

If you take any one of the top 10 most dangerous pharmaceutical drugs—you're opening yourself up to side-effects that may be much worse than the problem you're trying to treat. Cancer… liver damage… internal bleeding… diabetes… heart failure… just to name a few. And these pills aren't just deadly…they're unbelievably popular.

But what most people don't know is that each has natural alternatives that are free of frightening side effects, and work just as well—if not better. You can find most your local vitamin shop, online or even the grocery store. You just have to know what you're looking for and the right ways to use them. Find out here.

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Posted By craigslistbadgrrl to haxor express at 1/30/2015 04:40:00 AM

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